'Glissade: Slide across the palate--nights of winter, while turning toward spring.' Photography By Nathan J King

The Kama-Sutra of reality television-procreation to modern journalism; too fast, too big, too much. Broadcast like. How much can you fit in inside of a minute and ½ cognitive gathering? Mistakes, head-butting, retaliation and drunken replies at 5 o’clock in the morning. Welcome to the “Blogosphere”–”Road Warrior.”

Death threats, Britney Spears, Barrack Obama, Courtney Love, Jan Brewer, Zeitgeist— the porno-internet evolves and becomes the social networking Godzilla. Nicotine rings set on apartment complex drywall ceilings, like water-rings in an old tree trunk.

Walk outside, see the sun rising. Talk to my neighbor, he’s sitting inside of his truck, smoking speed with two strippers and a shopping-cart man. I give one of the strippers a Glissade and a’ couple of smokes. I walk back inside and blog some more.

Let the puppy out, and we play fetch with a chewed-up amethyst purple food bowl, while filthy laundry spins scenting winter air. Contemplate writing more of state budget deficit despairs.–JGB